Source: Parlamentní (CZ) - At a closed meeting of the Fidesz party, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán predicted that the Eurozone and the European Union itself could fall apart by 2030. According to him, many European capitals will also struggle with the fact that Muslim immigrants will prevail in them. On the other hand, he sees...

Morawiecki reports the return of cooperation with Orbán and the re-strengthening of the V4
Source: Echo24 (CZ) -Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki made it clear that, despite Hungary's differing opinion on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he expects to resume close cooperation with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. This was reported today by the Do Rzeczy server based on Morawiecki's interview for Monday's edition of the Sieci...
Can Saint Adalbert reconnect Central Europe?
Source: Deník Štandard (SK) - A conference of St. Adalbert and the Central Europe was held in Prague a few days ago, which was attended by prominent representatives of politics, the church and the academic community of the wider Central European countries. According to the organizers, Europe is at a historic crossroads today and the recipes...
Source: China Radio International (CN) - The question of Central Europe is relatively topical because, as in other parts of the world, in Central Europe we ask ourselves how best to combine the interconnections that are necessary for economic, strategic and other reasons, international interconnections with the need for identity,...
Source: CNN Prima News (CZ) - The conference, which took place from 10 to 12 June, discussed cooperation between Central European countries. They are often in opposition to the European Union. "I think all the participants in the conference agree that Central European cooperation is needed. That it is inevitable. Because there are questions...
Source: Parlamentní listy (CZ) - For many, St. Adalbert is just a medieval figure they once learned in school. But the Patrimonium Sancti Adalberti Association wants to present him as an important thinker and statesman, whose legacy can still inspire him after a thousand years.This year's culmination of her activities was the international...
"Let us defend our values, family and state." Slovak ex-minister Palko took over the new award
Source: CNN Prima News (CZ) - The Slovak mathematician and former Minister of the Interior Vladimír Palko received the premiere award for the exceptional contribution to strengthening Central European traditions and values at the June conference on Central Europe organized by association Patrimonium Sancti Adalberti.
Something is beginning to emerge...
Source: Pravý prostor (CZ) - Prague - Surely you have ever seen a mole dig in the garden. At first glance, nothing happens. Only occasionally does the upper layer of soil shake slightly and a mound of clay emerge on the surface. And a little further on. Seemingly unrelated. But it is clear to a knowledgeable person that...
Source: Parlamentní listy (CZ) - Preserving the roots and protecting one's own civilization and culture from the enemies of Europe's intellectual heritage. In an interview with, the publicist Michal Semín explains what the weekend conference, which was sponsored by Cardinal Dominik Duka, will focus on, and in addition, important...
Source: Parlamentní listy (CZ) - The peoples of Central Europe, including Austria, Serbia and Slovenia, should cooperate more so that they can confidently promote their national interests. This was told to by Petr Drulák, an expert on international relations and former diplomat, who will speak on this topic at the weekend...
Source: ČTK - České (CZ) - After today's meeting with Hungarian President Katalin Novák, Czech President Miloš Zeman spoke out against the dismantling of Visegrad cooperation. He told reporters that the heads of state of the Czech Republic and Hungary, on the other hand, are interested in consolidating the V4 group, which in addition to...