All-Polish Youth (Młodzież Wszechpolska) for Central Europe of Nations

Source: Patrimonium Sancti Adalberti (CZ) – Just before the Christmas holidays, thanks to the initiative of Bartołomiej Lech, head of the All-Polish Youth organization in the Lower Silesia region, an informal meeting with Patrimonium representatives took place in Prague. The All-Polish Youth is a national-Catholic movement founded in 1922. It organizes, among other things, the so-called "The Independence March", which was attended by 250.000 participants this year, or the "I love Poland" campaign and a number of other events. This organization also cooperates with the Polish partner of the Saint Adalbert project of closer cooperation between the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe - the Ordo Iuris organization. Our guests expressed full support for the Central European project as a way of closer cooperation between nation states. The participants of the meeting also exchanged observations on the current situation in Europe and in their countries.