The seminar "The Future of Central Europe" was held in the ancient premises of Ferdinandihof in Vienna

Source: Patrimonium Sancti Adalberti (CZ) – In cooperation with the Austrian Saint George League and Abendland magazine, the association Patrimonium Sancti Adalberti organized a presentation of the closer Central European cooperation "The Future of Central Europe" for the Austrian auditorium on Monday, April 22, in Vienna.
The event took place in the center of the Austrian metropolis, in the beautiful ancient premises of the historic Ferdinandihof building in the Sala Terrena room. The atmosphere of the 19th century was also underlined by natural lighting by the fireplace and candles.
The participants were greeted at the beginning by the lawyer, businessman and political advisor, Baron Norbert van Handel, chairman of the League of St. George, who highlighted Central European cooperation as the only possible alternative for our countries in the current globally changing world. He also emphasized that it is crucial that the ideas of anchored Central European cooperation gradually find a response among the political elites of the Central European countries.
The axis of the presentation was the publication "Saint Adalbert and Central Europe", which was published by the Czech association Patrimonium Sancti Adalberti in 2021 and the conclusions of the international conferences of the same name, which were held in June 2022 and October 2023 in Prague.
In their speeches, the speakers summarized the main ideas of the aforementioned publication and the entire topic. The value anchoring of future Central European cooperation was presented by the publisher, columnist and editor of the mentioned booklet, Michal Semín.
Petr Drulák, professor of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, political scientist, columnist and former deputy foreign minister of the Czech Republic, tried to explain Global aspects of the necessity of Central European cooperation.
He was followed up by Doc. Zdeněk Koudelka, lawyer, university pedagogue and long-time vice-chairman of the Constitutional and Legal Committee of the Chamber of Deputies with a reflection on Which model of state law is the most suitable for closer cooperation between Central European countries.
The seminar was closed by Zdeněk Žák, an expert in transport infrastructure and distribution networks and former Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic, with his Vision of the Central European Economic Area and its strategic infrastructure.
After that, the participants remained in a free discussion.