Who to join if the "Atlantic Empire" falls


Source: Politika (RS) - The world has entered an era of conflicts that will significantly affect the future of the countries located in Central Europe. Now is therefore the right time for the countries from the heart of the old continent to take advantage of the current situation and lay the foundations for their own political self-determination, these are the conclusions of the symposium "The Future of Central Europe", which took place the day before yesterday evening in Belgrade, organized by the Czech Patrimonium of Sancti Adalberti and the political debating club the "Trobojka".

Those who consider themselves defenders of traditional European values ​​should establish cooperation and discuss joint projects, believes Milutin Ilić, president of the Trobojka association. "Central European countries are eager to cooperate with countries such as Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria... This meeting and our other meetings serve to discuss possible common interests in the future, based on the principle - you cannot negotiate for us or make decisions about us without our consent. The logic that can bring us together is that if we act together, we are much stronger," Ilić said.

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